Events & News
All year long, the Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group promotes epilepsy education for patients, their caregivers, medical treatment staff, and the general public. Team Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group participates in several epilepsy walks and many different fundraising activities that directly benefit the national or local epilepsy foundations and advocacy societies. Check out our upcoming schedule and you may find an activity that interests you.
9th Annual Trick or Treating Walk Run

Where: Johnson Park, Piscataway, NJ
When: October 23 (Sunday)
The 9th Annual Walk and Run for Epilepsy (hosted by the Epilepsy Services of New Jersey) is rolling around again this year! Please note that the location is different (not Liberty State Park).
Epilepsy Services of New Jersey is holding its now traditional and very fun Halloween themed 5K walk/run complete with assorted activities and resources for families to enjoy while aiding Epilepsy Services of NJ in raising much needed funds and awareness. These funds are directly used for services for NJ residents living with epilepsy and seizures.