Events & News

Events & News

All year long, the Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group promotes epilepsy education for patients, their caregivers, medical treatment staff, and the general public. Team Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group participates in several epilepsy walks and many different fundraising activities that directly benefit the national or local epilepsy foundations and advocacy societies. Check out our upcoming schedule and you may find an activity that interests you.

International Epilepsy Day

International Epilepsy Day

International Epilepsy Day: Monday

February 12, 2024

This day is a joint initiative of the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) and the International League against Epilepsy (ILAE) celebrated across the globe in the 120 of countries in which IBE and ILAE are represented. The International Epilepsy Day is the most prestigious epilepsy event in the world.  Let's use this day to raise awareness about epilepsy!

This is a day for everyone, no matter where you are in all of the USA or the world, no matter whether it is just you or a whole group of you. We want you to help us celebrate and highlight the difficulties faced by those who live with epilepsy on International Epilepsy Day! Let's speak with one global voice.  Remember that PURPLE is the official awareness color of epilepsy--you can wear purple clothes, hair extensions, nail polish, deck your home, car, or office in purple.  Swing by our offices to celebrate the day with your doctors and all the staff. 

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