Events & News

Events & News

International Epilepsy Day

International Epilepsy Day

A photography competition is being held to celebrate International Epilepsy Day 2016!  We invite all our Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group friends to consider entering this competition to raise awareness on the International Epilepsy Day!

NOTE: January 17 is the closing date for photography submissions!!

For International Epilepsy Day 2016, the ILAE and IBAE are pleased to announce a photography competition with the theme 'Yes, I can', to demonstrate achievement in overcoming obstacles, or achievement despite obstacles. The best photographs will form the International Epilepsy Day exhibition, taking place in the European Parliament in Strasbourg from Monday 1st to Friday 5th February 2016.

All entries will also be placed in a gallery on the International Epilepsy Day website

There will be two categories:

1. Photos taken with smartphones or tablets

2. Photos taken using regular cameras

The prize winner in each category will receive US$1,000

To find out more about the competition:
