Events & News

Conferencia en español: "Epilepsia: Cuáles son los tratamientos más avanzados, la epilepsia en la escuela, la ley y temas sociales" - 60 Spanish speaking patients and caretakers were in attendance

May 22, 2010
Evelyn Velis, public school teacher-epilepsy and school
Evelyn Velis, public school teacher-epilepsy and school
LGS President at her booth
LGS President at her booth
Lucy Gonzalez, she kept us organized
Lucy Gonzalez, she kept us organized
Dr. Marcelo Lancman-epilepsy treatments
Dr. Marcelo Lancman-epilepsy treatments
Dr. Lorna Myers-epilepsy and social stigma
Dr. Lorna Myers-epilepsy and social stigma
Monica Ladd, immigration attorney
Monica Ladd, immigration attorney
Bianca at the EFNJ booth
Bianca at the EFNJ booth
