Medical History
The history is very important to start understanding key issues and to answer important questions, including:
• Whether the episodes are epileptic or not.
• If the seizures are epileptic, what type are they
• When did the epilepsy start
• Are they preceded by an aura
• What do the seizures look like
• How long do they last
• What happens after the seizure, is there sleepiness, confusion and how long it takes to go back to baseline
• Does the patient have recollection of the seizure
• What are the triggers for the seizures
• How frequent are they
• What testing has been done already
• Are there any associated medical conditions that go along with epilepsy (for example Lupus, renal problems, etc)
• What treatments (medications , diets, surgeries) have been tried in the past
• Have there been any allergies to specific medications
• Social history
• Is the patient studying or working
• How is the patient’s quality of life
• Is there family history of epilepsy