Traveling with epilepsy (preparing for out of state or international trips)
• Discuss a plan with your medical provider in advance
• If you have frequent seizures, or if you become confused during seizures, avoid travelling alone
• Give friends and family a travel itinerary
• Look into hospitals where you are going in case of an emergency
• Take an adequate supply of seizure medication with you. If the trip will be very long in length consider finding a medical provider in the area to provide refills
- Some countries may not have seizure medications prescribed in the United States. Look into this in advance
• Longer flights and jet lag can cause disrupted sleep which may cause a seizure
- Discuss with your medical provider if you need a sleep aid for the trip
- Avoid excessive alcohol and get regular meals
• When travelling to a foreign country, consider learning basic phrases to request medical assistance, such as “I need help” or “where is the hospital”, or travel with someone who knows the language
• Come up with a plan for emergency travel home. Discuss this plan with someone you trust before you go