• Dependent on the underlying cause. For example, if a reversible cause such as pyridoxine deficiency is identified, the first step is to treat this.
• Cases due to an isolated structural abnormality such as cortical dysplasia may be successfully treated surgically.
• Tuberous Scerosis has been shown to respond particularly well to vigabatrin.
• ACTH or corticosteroids are commonly used as well.
- There is little scientific data to guide the dose and duration of therapy.
- Side effects (list here?)??
- ACTH is effective at controlling seizures but it remains unknown if it will improve the child’s long term cognitive outcome.
• Anticonvulsant medications are used if IS occurs with other seizure types.
• Ketogenic Diet has recently been shown also to be effective in many cases.
• More study remains to be completed to discover the most effective treatment for eachcase of IS.