Epilepsy Information

Exercise and Sports

Exercise and Sports

Let’s Play Ball!  Patients sometimes worry that exercise can trigger a seizure.  That is very rare, and for the vast majority of epilepsy patients, the benefits far outweigh the risks. You can look better and feel better about yourself just by getting off that couch!  And, children always do best when they are doing what everyone else is!  Just let common sense guide your decisions about which activities will need a special accommodations or which ones simply must be avoided.  Remember, the more often you have a seizure and the severity of your seizures will dictate your choices to skip it or modify it.  Make sure to check with your doctor and discuss your plans if you have a concern about a certain activity.

• Most sports can be safely engaged in by individuals whose seizures are not fully controlled. Taking a few extra safety precautions will allow you to get in the game.

Recreational activities are very important for socializing and happiness.

Achieving the balance between a safe life and an active life is possible by just making a few adjustments in sports activities.

For a List of Sport Safety click HERE
