Epilepsy Information

The ABCˈs of Epilepsy & Education

The ABCˈs of Epilepsy & Education

Whether you are taking your toddler with epilepsy to nursery school for the first time, or you are a mature adult returning to school to learn another trade or to further your academic career, your epilepsy may very well get in the way of learning.  This opening statement is not meant to discourage you, but rather it is meant to encourage you. Doesn’t seem quite right?  Let me explain.  Your educational path is best embarked on with a full understanding of not only your abilities and aspirations, but also what obstacles you may face.  Knowing these…facing these head on ….learning how to turn them around…will set you or your child on the best possible path to a successful academic career.

• The Issues of Disclosure & First Aid
• The Teacher
• Seizure Recognition & First Aid Training
• Communication
• Early Intervention Programs
• Pre-School/Day Care
• Elementary School
• High School
• College & Trade Schools

View webinar on epilepsy in school
