Epilepsy Information

Choosing the right medical group: this is the first important “to do” ask

From the medical point of view:
• Is my physician right for me?
• Does he/she have the right training and expertise?
• Is the medical group available 24/7
• Do they answer all my questions
• Do they provide specialty programs specific for me?
  - Diet programs
  - Stimulator program
  - Surgical program
  - Experimental drugs program

From the support point of view
• Do they provide other services that help my quality of life
  - Support groups
  - Therapy if I am anxious or depressed
  - Memory remediation programs to improve my day to day functioning
  - Wellness advice

Types of specialists (why see an epileptologist?)
• What is an “epileptologist” and how much training and experience should my doctor have? Doctors who treat epilepsy range in levels of sophistication:
  - Licensed MD or DO: both are qualified legally to treat patients with epilepsy
  - First level: primary care doctor (pediatrician, internist, family doctor)
  - Second level: general neurologist (4 years of training) with board certification in Neurology
  - Third level: epileptologist (is a neurologist that had at least one additional years of training) with board certification in Clinical Neurophysiology/ Epilepsy
    * From a non certified epilepsy center (by the National Association of epilepsy Centers)
    * From a level III epilepsy center
    * From a level IV epilepsy center

